It’s generally best to use the Fresh Install option and then select Yes, Install to confirm the download. Step 11: Once you select TITAINIUM build, choose either Standard Install or Fresh Install. Inside of here, you will find the TITANIUM build. Step 10: Select the Supreme Builds Wizard add-on, then select Supreme Builds. Step 9: When you get the notification to let you know that it has been installed, head back to the Kodi Home screen. Step 8: Select Supreme Builds Wizard and then select Install on the resulting information page. Step 7: Select the S upreme Build Repository option and then select Program add-ons. Step 6: You will be given a notification by Kodi to let you know that the repository has been installed successfully. Look for the repository.supremebuilds-1.0.0.zip file and select to install. Step 5: Locate the Supreme builds source that was added above and select it. Step 4: Head back to the Kodi Home screen and select Add-ons, select Add-ons Browser (which is identified by a small box icon) and then select Install from zip file. Step 3: Click on the name text field to add a name to the source. Add the following URL exactly as it appears here and then click OK to exit. Step 2: Click into the text field which has the placeholder already in it.