Ableton has two types of tracks, MIDI or audio so the route is - Midi in > Kontakt > audio channel with effects you want. Then you can do the exact opposite on Kontakt, and then set it to send each track to a different audio track which has effects. Choose the same port number as the MIDI Out you created. In the bottom left MIDI box there's an Input Port selector. Open OVOX and click the gear on the wrapper's top bar and then the plug/gear to open the settings. You can use KONTAKT to create sophisticated sample-based virtual instruments, process their audio signals with. KONTAKT allows you to play back and process audio samples but this does not begin to convey the full range of its capabilities. Hopefully that makes sense and you can translate that info to FL knowledge. In the top right of the MIDI Out is a selector for the port that it's using (0 by default). We are excited to share the next milestone in our flagship sampling engine. Last night Ive managed to route 2 different midi outs and record some midi notes from Maschine to those midi channels. So if you have 6 separate tracks in ableton, each one would be routed to the track with Kontakt and each one would be sending midi from channels 1-6 respectively. Each mic channel can be loaded with up to 8 FX in any order, plus another 8 slots on the master channel, with support for send routing as well. Actually there is a trick with loopmidi software which let you use Midi In routing, but I cant figure it out how to use it properly on my fl studio - maschine integration. So I reroute it so the track sends its midi info to the track with Kontakt on midi channel 2, for example. I don’t use FL studio so couldn’t tell you there but in Ableton you can create a midi track and choose which channel it sends to (default is master).